Today, things move fast. Trends, styles, changes, media, information. The speed of information in particular contributes to the current human theme of connection. Whether through social media, webcams, cell phones, skype. . . etc people today are always in touch. Not only are people connected but so is the information we share. I believe that we thrive as a species when we have a multitude of talent and information at our disposal. Striving to gain experience in everything around is a huge personal goal of mine. Anything I learn can be applied to my creative endeavors and will only serve to make me a better artist.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Project 4 - Profound Story Book Form

This story, called Love & Learning is about learning the importance of being true to yourself and the way you feel. It is a tough lesson, full of strong emotions, represented by the extreme color scheme of pink and black. The figures and story are simplified to help emphasize the enormity of the emotions involved. The assignment was to take a profound story from your life and express it as a story using a book as a base. The cover and a few example pages are below.

This is part of a series of posts from my Design II class, to view more, click below:
First: Typographic Self-Portrait