Today, things move fast. Trends, styles, changes, media, information. The speed of information in particular contributes to the current human theme of connection. Whether through social media, webcams, cell phones, skype. . . etc people today are always in touch. Not only are people connected but so is the information we share. I believe that we thrive as a species when we have a multitude of talent and information at our disposal. Striving to gain experience in everything around is a huge personal goal of mine. Anything I learn can be applied to my creative endeavors and will only serve to make me a better artist.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Color I-Templates with Paint

From Color class in Spring of 2011 with Prof. Slater-Tanner, These templates were all done in acrylic paint   using only black, white, and primary colors (red, blue and yellow).

Color Wheel

Outer Wheel- Primary colors; Secondary colors mixed by hand
Inner Wheel- Colors Neutralized using Complimentary Color

Gradation from white to black

Colors mixed with white
Colors mixed with a medium gray
This is part of a series of posts from my color class, to view more, click below:
Next: Templates with Color-Aid