Today, things move fast. Trends, styles, changes, media, information. The speed of information in particular contributes to the current human theme of connection. Whether through social media, webcams, cell phones, skype. . . etc people today are always in touch. Not only are people connected but so is the information we share. I believe that we thrive as a species when we have a multitude of talent and information at our disposal. Striving to gain experience in everything around is a huge personal goal of mine. Anything I learn can be applied to my creative endeavors and will only serve to make me a better artist.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Project 1 - Typographic Self-Portrait

         For our first project in our Design II class, we needed to design a "Typographic Portrait". We were given the "spoked book" form. I used bold but basic colors and shapes to help emphasize the typography. Each page represents two sides to a facet of my life.
        The left side of the red page (shown below) lists the things that I love in my life, while the right side of that page is an inverse design listing the people that I love in my life.
        The orange page represents my education. The left side (shown) being my graphic design education at OCCC and the right side my AAS in CIS from DeVry.
        The green page is my creativity, the left side having a flower design (showing nature as an inspiration) and the right side, (shown) a Rothko-like design listing my favorite artists.
        The yellow represents my "geeky" side, one side being a list of my favorite video games and the other side having small pages of code pasted on it.
        Finally, the purple page represents my spirituality. The left side features a moon scene with faint words in the sky relation to my spirituality and the right side features a sunrise scene (shown).

 purple and red page examples, plus name scholarly bookmark

green and orange page examples
This is part of a series of posts from my Design II class, to view more, click below:
Next: The Princess and The Pea